Maison de la Tour

Château de Vaux - 71190 ETANG SUR ARROUX
GPS : 46.838864 (46°50'20" N) / 4.146950 (4°8'49" E)

With the following address, the Map or Waze applications will guide you right in front of the house: Château de Vaux 71190 Étang-sur-Arroux

Once in front of the house you can call me, I'm coming

Otherwise go to Étang-sur-Arroux, follow the direction of the forestry school of Velet
Once in front of the school, turn left at the intersection, direction Velet and Vaux. Take the next intersection on the left.
Continue along the dirt road to the wrought iron gate. Call me when you're in front of the gate, I'll be waiting for you.