Tel : +33 6 42 40 91 01

Magnifique chalet à l'orée des Bois !

1 route de La Vinzelle Lieu-dit Pelau - Grand-Vabre - 12320 CONQUES EN ROUERGUE
GPS : 44.639008 (44°38'20" N) / 2.330024 (2°19'48" E)

From the North, Paris and the West:
A20, exit 56 towards RODEZ, then, Figeac, Decazeville (direction AURILLAC), Port d'Agrès (direction Conques), St Parthem, La Vinzelle
A71 to Clermont-Ferrand, then A75 to Séverac, exit RODEZ.
In Rodez take direction Conques - Grand-Vabre

From the Lyon region and the East:
A47 via Saint-Etienne, Clermont Ferrand, then A75 to Massiac. Then direction Aurillac, Cassaniouze, Saint Parthem
A75 to Séverac, exit RODEZ
In Rodez take direction Conques / Grand-Vabre

From the South-West and TOULOUSE:
A20 via Montauban to Caussade, then D926 via Caylus - Villefranche de Rouergue - Decazeville (direction AURILLAC) - Port d'Agrès (direction Conques), St Parthem, GRAND-VABRE

From the South-East, Marseille, Montpellier:
A9 then A75 via Millau, Rodez.
In Rodez take direction Conques. / Grand-Vabre