Tel : +33 2 51 28 43 98
Annette Khan

Le Vieux Café - Gîtes Maison Lairoux, 15 km de La Faute-sur-Mer

3, rue de la Motte - 85400 LAIROUX
GPS : 46.447616 (46°26'51" N) / -1.267408 (1°16'3" W)

For travellers from the UK:
Flights are available to either Nantes or La Rochelle airports - both are around an hour from Maison Lairoux.
Ferries are avaiable from several UK ports to St Malo (3.5hours from us), Cherbourg (4.5hours from us) or Le Havre (5 hours from us).
The Eurotunnel at Calais is a 6 hour drive in France.
We will provide full arrival instructions once you have reserved your holiday with us.