Gites de Bramefon la Métairie

Bramefon - 901 route de Grand Bois - 24210 FOSSEMAGNE
GPS : 45.126687 (45°7'36" N) / 0.965229 (0°57'55" E)

How to get to us?
From Brive: Take the A 89 motorway towards Périgueux, after around twenty km, you take exit 17 (Thenon toll station). You then take the D6089 towards Bordeaux and Périgueux. 9km after the motorway exit, you will cross Thenon and 6km after the Thenon exit, you arrive at Fossemagne.
.You cross the village, after 1 km you turn right (after the pond).
You go up this small road for 1 km, after a right turn, at the top of the hill, you turn right, you drive 200 m and you have arrived.

From Bordeaux:
on the A 89 motorway take exit 16. You then take the D6089 towards Brive. You cross St Crépin d'Auberoche, after 7 km you take a small road on the left which indicates "Bramefon" (1 km before Fossemagne). You go up this road for 1 km, after a left turn, at the top of the hill, you turn right, after 200 m you enter the courtyard on the left, you have arrived.

From Angoulème
Upon entering Périgueux at the first roundabout you take the town center of Périgueux, and you follow the direction of Brive via the D 6089. About 15 km after Périgueux you arrive at St Crépin d'Auberoche (be careful of the radar), after 7 km you take a small road on the left which indicates "Bramefon" (1 km before Fossemagne). You go up this road for 1 km, after a left turn, at the top of the hill, you turn right, after 200 m you enter the courtyard on the left, you have arrived