Tel : +33 6 60 30 58 71
Vincianne BERTOSSI

Gîte L'Occitemps

79 Impasse des Marronniers - 30340 SAINT-JULIEN-LES-ROSIERS
GPS : 44.170876 (44°10'15" N) / 4.099924 (4°5'60" E)

Getting to us is simple! All GPS devices find our address, even GPS devices from other countries.
Otherwise: at the entrance to the village on the axis towards Saint Ambrois, Aubenas, you will come across a roundabout (a fountain sculpture of a large outstretched hand), take the second exit from the roundabout, go about 500m and take the first street on the right, pass a small speed bump and take the first street on the left, the house is the second on your left (black gate) and that's it!