Gîte de charme La Tourelle, sur la Dolce Via

L'Eyrolle – 1340, route de Trouiller le Bas – Saint-Julien-Labrousse - 07160 BELSENTES

GPS : 44.888860 (44°53'20" N) / 4.498571 (4°29'55" E)

🌸 The GPS recognizes “La Tourelle” or “Trouiller Le Bas”
🌼🌳 more precisely:

1/ RD120 by VALENCE / LA VOULTE, direction Le CHEYLARD
~ 13 km from Saint-Sauveur-de-Montagut, a place called “Les Chapelles” (fruit merchant), you will continue for 1.2 km
~ take the right “TROUILLER LE BAS”
~ and go down towards the small bridge and hamlet
* you'll have to
💧 cross the Eyrieux
🚲 then drive on Dolce Via - shared lane: as tenants, you are authorized to do so
* about 500 m on the right, a small path goes up, "private road" (red and white sign), take slowly to take you directly in front of the gîte via your reserved access.

2 / RD 120 / via Le Cheylard / Les Collanges / 8 km from Le Cheylard, take direction LA VOULTE SUR RHÔNE (DO NOT GO TO SAINT JULIEN LABROUSSE)
~ pass the place called SARNY,
~ then the SAINT-BARTHÉLÉMY LE MEIL intersection
~ about 800 m after, take the first left, direction TROUILLER LE BAS

Good road !