Tel : +33 6 67 50 87 06
Yohann, Alexandra

Balisier 148, Anse des Rochers

Lieu-dit Daube - 97118 SAINT-FRANÇOIS
GPS : 16.244116 (16°14'39" N) / -61.304247 (61°18'15" W)

From the airport, take the direction of GOSIER - SAINTE-ANNE - SAINT-FRANÇOIS, that is to say the National 4.
After GOSIER, then SAINTE-ANNE and approximately 3/4 km after the Leader Price shopping center, GiFi, followed by a slightly winding road with a magnificent radar.
You arrive at the VITO petrol station on your right, you turn right at the station (at the ANSE DES ROCHERS sign), then you always go straight until the STOP (about 2 km) where you will see just in front of you a sign indicating "Tourist route", you turn right and 100 m, you take the 1st road on the left.
You descend the road for 100 meters and you will arrive in front of the gate to be greeted by Cécilia.